About Eletra

We at Eletra focus on delivering competitive spot price electricity agreements by offering one of the cheapest electricity deals in Finland called the WebSpot deal. Eletra is fully owned by POWER. Established support services, distribution channels, customer service and skilled and certified salespeople in POWER stores help keeping our costs down so we can deliver great and competitive electricity deals to you as a customer.

You will find up-to-date terms at any time here: http://www.eletra-energy.com/terms

Customer service

You can find the contact details for Eletra customer service by choosing the country-specific site from the top navigation bar and clicking "Contact us"

You can find the opening hours of Eletra customer service by choosing the country-specific site from the top navigation bar and clicking "Contact us"

Electricity contracts and billing

Electricity agreements can be divided into spot price agreements and fixed price agreements and fixed term and open-ended agreements. Traditionally fixed price agreements have been the most common ones for household customers. The rising number of spot priced electricity agreements is however challenging other types of contracts out there.

Please contact Ropo Capital for questions regarding the invoice and payment details.

The invoice is sent monthly in arrears, usually between the 5th and 10th of the month. You can also order an e-invoice from your online bank to reduce the amount to paper waste at home.

No, Eletra invoices its customers monthly in arrears. This means you pay for electricity used in one month afterwards, not in advance.

You can find all your invoices on My Page at eletraenergy.no. Here you can check what has been paid and what is due. Click here to get to My Page.

Yes, you can. If you want electricity for several addresses (e.g., home, holiday home etc.), you can create separate agreements for each measurement point and place orders for them. Everything will be collated on the same invoice when all orders are placed by the same person.

Normally a change of electricity supplier takes approximately 14 days.

Your electricity bill consists of three elements – the price of electricity, price of electricity transmission and taxes imposed by the authorities. The price of electricity consists of the consumption charge (c/kWh) and a surcharge which is a fixed monthly or yearly sum. The consumption charge can be fixed or when using spot priced electricity, it can vary by the hour according to Nord Pool pricing. The price of transmission covers the cost of transporting the electricity from the utility to the customer. This cost cannot be put to tender as it is carried out by local distributors across the country. The price consists of a basic charge and the amount of energy transmitted. Large parts of the electricity bill are government taxes and will be the same regardless of the energy supplier. In Finland, the taxes are invoiced by the same authority responsible for electricity transmission.

There are many ways you can save electricity. We have collected our favorite savings tips here links in http://www.eletra-energy.com/articles

Information about electricity

Over time a spot priced exchange electricity contract is bound to be the cheapest option. However, the fluctuating price of electricity will have an impact on your electric bill. With spot price agreement you are able to optimize your own electricity consumption and take advantage of the hourly changing price during inexpensive hours. This way you can lower your energy bill easily.

The price of electricity is the result of supply and demand, your geographical location, the weather, and price of fossil fuel. The price of spot price electricity varies hourly. As a result of the war in Ukraine, Russia has placed restrictions on the export of gas, leading to rising cost of electricity.

Spot priced electricity follows the price set by Nord Pool by the hour. Simply put this means you can pay less for electricity today than yesterday even though the same amount of electricity has been used. The monthly price is determined by what you as a customer use hour by hour. At eletraenergy.no you can monitor your consumption by the hour as well as get an overview of the energy usage over different time periods.