Extra heat with no fuss – comparing heaters for both home and summer cottages

As the seasons turn from summer to autumn and winter, heating becomes a topical issue in many households. Different kinds of heaters bring additional heat to the home, to the summer cottage or, for example, to the home's storage rooms, when the primary heating system is no longer sufficient or enough. There is plenty to choose from when it comes to heaters, from the appearance of the device to the installation method, and the heating technology itself.

We made it easier to buy the right kind of heater by comparing three heating devices and their advantages for you. By choosing the device that best meets your needs, you will get the most out of it for heating both the home and other spaces. Read further and find out which heater is the best for your use!


Gentle heat with an oil heater

The first heater option in the comparison is a gentle oil heater. As the name suggests, the oil heater, which shares the operating principle of a water-circulating radiator, is filled with oil, which does not burn in use and does not need to be added or replaced during the life cycle of the heater. The oil heats up relatively slowly, but even though it may take more time to reach the desired room temperature, the oil also acts as a heat accumulator. In this way, the room stays warm for longer, even if the heater itself is no longer connected to electricity. With optimized use of the heater, you can also save on the electricity bill. The oil filling the heater acts as an equalizer, and the temperature does not vary as quickly and significantly as when using a convection heater.

Soft and even heat fills room after room silently without a motor or fan. The oil heater can therefore be placed in any room without disturbing the everyday life at home. Especially in winter, dry indoor air bothers many, but the heating elements enclosed in the oil heater make sure that the indoor air does not dry out. Since the air does not pass through the heating elements, the air humidity does not change. The surface of the heater also remains at a moderate temperature, and it does not burn dust, making the oil heater an excellent choice for allergy sufferers as well.

Who is the oil heater suitable for then? Choose an oil heater if you can wait a little longer for soft and even heat. An oil heater is also an excellent solution for those suffering from dry indoor air and allergies.


The efficient and quiet convection heater

Convection technology is used by most wall-mounted panel heaters as well as floor heaters that stand on their own stand. Convection is a method of heat transfer in which heat moves upwards with either gas or liquid. The indoor air passes through the heating element, after which the warm air spreads evenly throughout the room. When choosing a suitable heater, you should pay attention to the recommended room size so that the space heats up efficiently. Depending on the heating element, the surface temperature of the heater can remain very low, guaranteeing its safe use even with children and pets.

The quick speed is one of the absolute advantages of convection heaters. Because the heater uses room air for heat transfer, it reaches the desired temperature almost immediately. On the other hand, a heater that works with convection technology also cools down quickly when it is switched off, meaning continuous heating is also reflected in the electricity bill. The latest models are smart heaters equipped with a Wi-Fi connection, making the controlling and monitoring of energy consumption easy via remote connections directly from the phone screen.

So, who is the convection heater suitable for? If you want to heat even a large room evenly and quickly, a convection heater is the right choice. The downside is the energy consumption, which in continuous use can be higher than with other heating methods. You can choose from both stylish panel heaters and easily portable floor heaters with smart functions and manual control.


With the heat fan, heat exactly where you need it

Finally in the comparison are fan heaters. The fast, affordable, and compact fan provides immediate relief on cold frosty days. However, it is good to remember that heat production stops when the fan is switched off. The heat fan is therefore an excellent help when other heaters or, for example, a reserving fireplace are just warming up for use. Another thing that sets the fan apart from other heaters is its mobility. The smallest models are perfect for the corner of the desk, while the larger and streamlined tower fans fit even in a smaller room.

Compared to other heating devices, the fan heater is an inexpensive solution, although the final operating costs can become high in continuous use. The noise level of the device can also be a threshold issue for users. On the other hand, the operating time of the heat fan is shorter than other devices, so the operating sound can be inconspicuous among other sounds in the home. In more and more models, you will also find a fan feature for the summer heat, enabling year-round use.

If you need additional heat quickly both at home and in the summer house while the stove or radiator is still heating up, a heat fan is the right choice. The compact fan is easy to place exactly where you need it most, be it a remote workstation at home or a chilly summer cottage after winter.